Digital Image Correlation

Quantitative Imaging Solutions
- 2D, Stereo and Multi-Camera Digital Image Correlation
- Shape, displacement and deformations of materials and structures
- Grid method based on phase-analysis for very small deformations
- A true engineering tool with total flexibility able to run in batch mode

Optimized Testing
- Customized hardware according to your application
- Alignment, speckle analysis and focusing tools
- Vibration, Fatigue, Static or High-Speed
- Synchronization with external signals
- Real-Time DIC and feedback for external control

True digital twin - direct model validation
- Get quantified validation of your finite element simulations
- Levels the FEA data through the entire DIC engine via FEA-based images
- Generate full-field error and validation maps

Identify mechanical material properties
- Seamless integration of the virtual fields method
- Reduced testing time and material usage
- Elasticity, plasticity, hyperelasticity, visco-elasticity, visco-plasticity

Intuitive and Elaborated Data Handling
- Dataset and multi-viewport concept
- Strain, velocities, accelerations, strain rates, ... and stresses
- FFT and modal analysis tools
- AppStore: Custom application development

Performance Analysis
- A "design of experiments" for DIC
- Generate metrological charts to determine optimum DIC user setting
- Detailed insights into signal and noise evolution and dependencies

Uncertainty quantification and virtual testing
- Generate benchmark FEA-based synthetic images with known values
- Evaluate the inherent systematic error in DIC
- Create a virtual test campaign to optimize experiments