Advanced Post-Processing

VFM: Material identification with the virtual fields method
- Seamless identification of mechanical material parameters based on full-field measurements
- Automated determination of weighting factors in the optimization solver to maximize parameter sensitivity and minimize impact of noise
- Generation of full-field stress maps
- Elasticity, plasticity, hyperelasticity, visco-elasticity and visco-plasticity

FEVAL: Finite-Element Model Validation
- Mesh and nodal converters for Abaqus, Ansys, Siemens, ... for shell/solid and linear/quadratic formulations
- Process FEA data through the same filters (subset, shape functions, interpolation, etc.) as the true experimental data
- This levelling approach guarantuees a true digital twin
- Establish frame alignment by incorporating the calibration parameters and fiducials
- Generate full-field error and validation maps indicating possible model errors
- Batch mode processing available, hence allowing for finite-element model updating
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