Experiment Registration

QS-GRABBER: Quasi-Static Grabber
- Integrates with AVT, Flir, Basler, Daheng, Baumer cameras. Contact us for the supported models.
- Software or hardware trigger-mode
- Synchronization via MatchID Trigger Unit
- Data acquisition via NI-USB devices
- Direct data output via Feedback Unit
- MatchID's break-out unit allows to invoke an unlimited amount of cameras
HS-GRABBER: High-Speed Grabber
- Integrates with iX, Phantom, Photron and Nac cameras. Contact us for the supported models.
Download datasheet (pdf)
Optimized experimental images
Both our quasi-static and high-speed grabber solutions include dedicated tools to optimize your experimental imaging setup:
- Live Histogram
- Over-exposure indication
- Live speckle analysis
- Camera alignment tools
- Live camera noise
- Lens focusing tools
- Aliasing indicators
- Grid pitch tool

LEF: Live Experimental Feedback
- Live control of your Test System through DIC measurements (e.g. strain-based experiment control)
- Real-time correlation to visualise the evolution of your DIC test (real-time full-field tracking) or video-extensometry
Download datasheet (pdf)
No idea what you need?
We can help to compose the software stack you need, based on your objectives and the degree of adjustability you expect.